Flood Editions
Chicago, IL
independent, nonprofit press
Flood Editions is an independent, nonprofit press committed to publishing innovative poetry and short fiction with a broad aesthetic range. Since 2001, it has published four titles each year, including first books, volumes by established writers, and reprints. Flood Editions has published a number of Chicago writers as well as poets from California, New York, and the United Kingdom. Authors include Robert Duncan, Graham Foust, William Fuller, Paul Hoover, Fanny Howe, Lisa Jarnot, Philip Jenks, Ronald Johnson, Jennifer Moxley, Tom Pickard, Pam Rehm, John Taggart, and John Tipton. In addition to books by single authors, Flood Editions also publishes LVNG, an annual literary publication distributed free of charge.
This bio/description was originally published in 2004 and updated in 2013. For more current information, please refer to the award recipient's website (if provided).