The Tanne Foundation
The Tanne Foundation

Tanne Foundation awards recognize outstanding achievement and are an expression of gratitude to artists for their passion and commitment to their work.

Carolyn Cook

2000 Tanne Award Recipient
Clarkston, GA
actor and director

Carolyn Cook is founder and artistic director of Théâtre du Rêve, Atlanta’s unique French-language theatre company which is dedicated to bringing French language and culture to life on the American stage. In addition to producing one French-language play each year, Théâtre du Rêve provides special programs for Atlanta art galleries and museums on French culture, including an evening of contemporary French play readings and public programs on Toulouse-Lautrec that it produced for the High Museum of Art. Performing in both French and English, Cook is acclaimed as a classical actor of great range and was named Atlanta’s Best Dramatic Actress by Atlanta Magazine in both 1993 and 2000. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Creative Loafing have also named her best dramatic actress.

Carolyn played the lead in the world premiere of Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Schenkkan’s Handler and acted in a workshop of Schenkkan’s new play, The Marriage of Miss Hollywood and King Neptune. She is also involved as a key actor in the development of Discovery of America by Arthur Kopit and participated in workshops in both Atlanta and New York. She performed in the world premiere of Discovery in the fall of 2002 at Theater Emory. As a classical actor, Carolyn is entering her ninth season at the Georgia Shakespeare Festival where she performed in The Merry Wives of Windsor and Death of a Salesman during the summer of 2002.

Carolyn is a guest lecturer in the Theater Studies Department at Emory University and has been on the faculty of the Atlanta’s Alliance Theatre Acting Program and she has been guest director at the State University of West Georgia.

This bio/description was originally published in 2000 and updated in 2013. For more current information, please refer to the award recipient's website (if provided).