Brad Sherrill
Atlanta, Georgia

Brad Sherrill, Atlanta, GA, is a 30+ year career actor most prominently known for his 16 years as developer, adapter, and solo performer of biblical texts (Hebrew Scriptures/New Testament). His five one-person plays were performed over 850 times throughout 45 states, as well as in tours in England, Canada, and Ireland. In addition to hundreds of church performances, Brad has also had significant professional theatrical engagements in Washington D.C., Chicago, Atlanta, Toronto, and Off-Broadway at the Lamb’s Theater in New York City. Research, exegesis, adaptation, memorization of 8+ hours of text, and collaboration with prominent stage director Vincent Murphy and visual/sound designer Mark Hickman were all key components of his work. Brad recently finished a first draft of a memoir, GAY APOSTLE, in which he reflects on his solo career, primarily addressing what it has meant to be a gay Christian performing challenging, inspirational texts in church settings, which often struggle with issues of human sexuality.
This bio/description was originally published in 2023. For more current information, please refer to the award recipient's website (if provided).